Main Types of Elementary Writing

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        typesof  writing

Narrative Writing
        Narrative.        narrative ideas

Narrative is a story that happens over time!  You can tell about something that's real in your life (a personal narrative) or something you made up (a fiction narrative).  Remember to start with a good opening, to make it sound like a story!  Include the setting (when and where) and characters.  Don't forget to describe your characters and don't just say "she" or "he"!

Ideas for an good opening:

     "One bright, sunny day..."
     "Last year in kindergarten..."
     "A long time ago..."
     "Once upon a time there was..."

Use a graphic organizer to help you!  Download a graphic organizer here.

Informative Writing

         informative.      . text features

Informative writing tells true facts.  Tell about something you already know, or read about something new and write the information you learned!  Remember to stick with the same topic, so your reader doesn't get confused. 
Use a graphic organizer to help you!  Download a 4-square graphic organizer here.

Opinion Writing

          opinion.      Opinion

Opinion writing tells how the author thinks or feels.  Make sure to tell reasons for your opinion!  Use the word "because" to tell why you think or feel that way.
Use a graphic organizer to help you!  Download a graphic organizer, with writing paper, here.