Summer Reading Program
Rice Summer Challenge 2019
All 1st and 2nd grade students who will attend Rice during the 2019-2020 school year are encouraged to join our summer reading challenge.  This year, students may choose from a "menu" of reading options to suit their personal tastes and schedules.  Below is information on these options.  Choose ONE of them to complete, return the confirmation sheet to Miss Schin in the Rice Library no later than September 6, 2019, and you will receive a prize!  
Links and necessary paperwork can be found below.  
Please contact Miss Schin with any questions.



Barnes & Noble

Summer Reading Triathlon

Complete the summer reading journal and take it to Barnes & Noble, then choose a free book from their selection at the store.

Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge

Read, log minutes, earn rewards, and read about favorite authors, and enter a sweepstakes!

Cumberland County Library Summer Reading (Amelia Givin or Bosler Library)


Complete reading log to earn prizes and/or attend fun, free events at the library!

Personal Reading Log (Epic!, Biblionasium, Good Reads, paper, etc.

Keep track of your reading either on paper or using one of these programs/apps.Try to read at least 5 “just right” books!

Or, you can come join me at the Rice Library on any of the following dates:
*June 11, July 16, or August 13 from 10 AM - 12 PM
*June 20 and July 25 from 1 PM - 3 PM

Students who visit me at least 3 times this summer will earn a special lunch with Miss Schin!
