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Ellen Schin
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic Book Orders
Welcome to Scholastic Book Orders! As the librarian here at Rice, fostering a love of reading is my main goal, and Scholastic book orders is an excellent way to achieve that goal.
Every book that you purchase for your child earns bonus points for the library. These points can be used later on to purchase more books for the library. So with every book you buy, you're not only helping your child to love books, you're enabling our entire school community to learn, practice, and love reading.
Ordering is very simple. Look through the book order with your child, and make your selections on the form inside. Send the form and your payment (either cash or a check made payable to Scholastic Reading Club) to school with your child and have them return it to me in the library. It's that easy!
You can also order your child's books online at Simply log in as a parent using the code
. You can pay with a credit card or through PayPal. I will receive an email alert that you made a purchase, and your child's books will ship the same time as their classmates' books. The best part about ordering online is that you have access to all of Scholastic's book order forms, not just the one I send home. So if you're looking for books for an older or younger sibling, you can order them all at the same time. How convenient!
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email me at
[email protected]
. I'm happy to be working with you this year as we promote literacy both here and at home.